Proverbs 15:13

~A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance~
Proverbs 15:13

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Munchies { Poppy Seed Chicken }

This recipe is from Olivia at Livi's Lane. I love it, my kiddies love it, my hubby loves it! A definite keeper!

Poppy Seed Chicken

4 large chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
16 oz. sour cream
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 stick butter, melted
2 tsp. poppy seeds
1 sleeve Ritz or Clubhouse crackers

Shred boiled chicken, put in 9 x 13 baking dish. Mix together soup, soup cream, & 1 tsp poppy seeds. Mix with chicken. Add salt & pepper to taste. Crumble crackers & mix with melted butter. Spread over chicken mixture. Sprinkle with remaining poppy seeds. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Great served with steamed broccoli!

Friday, October 28, 2011

11 Years

11 years. Where has the time gone? It doesn't seem like it's been that long! 11 years ago today one of the best things of my life happened to me. Andrew Smith promised before God to love me all the days of my life. I became Mrs. Andrew Smith. I've never regreted it. Sure, we've had our tiffs & arguements. There've been many times when apologies have had to be made. But I love him so much more today that I did 11 years ago! I didn't think it was possible to love him more when I married him! He is surely my gift from Heaven! I love you, Andrew!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Washington, D.C.

What a great time we had in our Nation's capitol! The leaves were already turning & the air was crisp. We did anything but relax, tho! D.C. is BUSY!! We walked & walked!  So many people crammed in such a small city. Well, small for all that's there. We didn't get to see or do even 1/4 of what we wanted to see & do. There's not enough hours in 2 days. (Or enough energy!)

 The Washington Monument

 United Stated Capitol

 View from the Capitol

 Praying at the Capitol

The White House

Nathanael wanted a picture with the Secret Service Policeman.

Guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Book Selection

The Book Club selection for October

"With Endless Sight" by Allison Pittman

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Book Club Meeting ~ Unlocked

I loved this book! Thanks, Livi's Lane, for suggesting it.
This book made me really think about how easy it is to judge another person by their appearance, the way they talk, etc. God made each and every one of us "special"! He sees the end of the road and all the curves and tunnels in between. And, like Holden, even when we can't express ourselves, He already knows. There have been times when things had me so bothered that when I went to pray, I didn't even know how to tell God! I'm so glad I didn't have to. He could already see my heart and the burden that had it so heavy. What an awesome God we serve!

Discussion Questions

1. Do you know anyone on the autism spectrum? Tell us about that person and what you have learned from them.

2. What did you learn about autism by reading this book?

3. Holden's father left his family to work on a fishing boat in Alaska. Why do you think he did that? Have you ever ran or wanted to run from a situation?

4. Suzanne and Randy pulled away from the Harris family after Holden's diagnosis of autism. Have you seen a handicap or disorder seperate friends before?

5. What did you learn from the friendship between Tracy and Suzanne?

6. Have you ever had a broken friendship? What did you learn from the situation? Was there ever resolution?

7. Michael Schwartz was a quiet kid who didn't fit in the way the popular kids did. Do you know anybody like Michael? Did you befriend them? Why or why not?

8. What did you learn from the character of Michael Schwartz?

9. Why do you think people bully other people?

10. What did you learn from the character of Ella?

11. Did Holden's story give you hope for your own life or make you feel hopeful for someone you love? Did it affect your level of faith?

Leave your answers to these questions and any thoughts you have about the book in the comments.