Proverbs 15:13

~A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance~
Proverbs 15:13

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Felt Flower Rosette Headbands {& BFFs}

My daughter has a friend who is truly her BFF. And her mom just so happens to be my BFF! How neat is that? Well, soon it's little BFFs birthday. The four of us will be together the weekend before her birthday so I thought it would be neat if the girls dressed alike. (My daughter is 8 & her BFF is turning 9.) I found the shirts at Walmart. Yes, I said Walmart!! (Love that place, much to my hubby's dismay.) I wanted to make something to match the shirts & just started playing around. Here is what I came up with.

 I used the tutorial for felt flower rosettes I found at Little Things Bring Smiles.

For each headband I made 1 large rosette & 4 small rosettes. The rosettes were then hot glued onto the headband. I cut a rectangle shape of felt to put on the underside of it all & hot glued it in place so that the felt is between the wearer's head & the headband. (Forgot to take a pic of that. Sorry!) Then I trimmed the excess felt from the underside to the shape of the rosette placement. Easy & pretty quick, too!

(I am by no means a professional crafter or "sentence worder", so I hope the above is understandable!) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

{SQUEAL!} I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! :) I can't wait!!!